Memories of Dakar...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 9:34PM
FroggWhisperer in Birima, Dakar, Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts, Music, Senegal, Travel, Youssou N'Dour, world beat music

A travel lover, some time ago I took the opportunity to travel to Senegal and The Gambia.  I knew I'd have a good time, but what I had was an amazing time.  It's a trip I definitely intend to repeat.

I've enjoyed the music of  renowned Senegalese musician, Youssou N'Dour, for many years and was lucky to have seen him in concert at The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts.   A particularly special (and rather surreal)  moment was hearing his music being played in Senegal while shopping in Dakar.  Life is magical, man!  If you're unfamiliar, have a listen:



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