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Entries from January 1, 2011 - January 31, 2011


A Minimalist Approach...

Sometimes less actually IS more.  For fun I'm switching things up a bit by designing a purely minimal 40th birthday inspired postcard which can easily be used as a quickie party invitation by adding your text to the back (at no additional charge of course).  AND I added matching postage.  So much fun I can hardly stand it!  

If you appreciate minimalist design, you might this one.  Have a look:





Tardy To The Party...


Thrilling news at 'the Frogg.  We have just added a Facebook page.  Really.  And it's likely we're the last in the known universe to do so.  We're starting from zero so if you dig something oddFrogg, please give us a "like".  We'll hit you back.



On The Eve Of Christmas...

While finishing up at Best Buy on Christmas Eve morning (yes, I was one of those still at it on Christmas Eve), I had a sense of deja vu as in "wasn't Christmas Eve only about 6 months ago?"  FastestYearEver

I took the opportunity to write a haiku.  Want to hear it?  Here it goes:

-- The Eve Of Christmas

   -- Shopping Somehow Still Undone

       -- Best Buy Smells Of Men!


So, with 2010 over and the possibilities of 2011 beckoning, I hope you got your holiday groove on.    One party has ended while another begins. 

Here's to a joy filled 2011.  All the best to you and yours!