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Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


Following footsteps...

After a long week, it's the Thursday night before a fabulous and well-deserved Friday off.  Get your weekend started by enjoying an oddFrogg haiku.  Lyrically inspired and just for you!

  Following footsteps

    --  And never once suspecting

        --  That they are your own



Pirates need love, too!

So I'm having lots of fun designing T-shirts for International Talk Like A Pirate Day.  You know about this one, right?  Two guys out having fun playing some racquetball created their own, nonsensical holiday where you spend the day talking like a pirate.  Last year my coworkers and I spent the day trading incredibly corny pirate jokes like this one:  "What be a pirate's favorite socks?   Arrrrrgyle!"  See what I mean?

Talk Like A Pirate Day is catching on.  If you're out  bar hopping on September 19th, we've got some great pirate inspired T-Shirts.   And, since pirates need love too, our Pirate Personal Ad T-shirts are great for the guys:


Handsome Sea Dog, Fit And Active.  Has Peg Leg, Hook Hand, Eye Patch.  Likes Include:  Long, Drawn Out  "R's",  Me Timbers, Lads Named "Jim Boy",  Sailing, Muskets, Puppies, And Hanging Mutineers From The Highest Yardarrrm.

Dislikes:  Watered Down Rum, Phonies, And The Royal Navy.  Seeks Buxom, Raven-Tressed Wench For Debauching And Deviltry On The High Seas.  Non-Smoker Preferred.

Phone:  1-555-ARR-RRGH"


 (Click a shirt to Buy Now!)