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Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010


I Love Music...

I love music.  I have always loved music.  I will always love music.  While never a true player, in an earlier life there was piano lessons, then lots of clarinet, followed by a little tenor saxaphone and bass clarinet. Band.  Marching.

As to real players, check out Blur.  A recent discovery, just now actually, while reading Dooce's latest blog post.  I didn't know from Blur but, thanks to Heather, I do now.  Have a listen:




Going To The Dogs...

Perhaps there should be (ok...there should be), but there's no real rhyme or reason to design work at oddFrogg.  Ideas flow in a stream of consciousness tangent and lately, it's all about peace, love and dogs!  If you're in need of dog breed postage stamps with a peace and love motif, we hope you'll dig these:



As I said, there's a tangent going on so there's definitely more peace, love, dog breed custom postage stamps in the works!



Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other...

Having risen from the ashes of horrific events on September 11, 2001, we get up each day, put one foot in front of the other and carry on.  All the while never forgetting.   From all nations, we come together to comprise one United States of America.   We're prideful, yet humble citizens of a great nation.  A feeling best expressed by the late Ray Charles' sparsely powerful rendition of America The Beautiful.  Enjoy.





So it's a lazy, breezy, mostly sunny Saturday in Cincinnati and there's a touch of Fall in the air.  Seasonal changes are almost upon us and that means International Talk Like A Pirate Day is drawing near.

I'm having more than a bit of fun expressing my creative side in the way I know best...designing T-shirts and gifts which I hope someone will enjoy enough to purchase or gift to someone!  I mean right now, at this very moment, someone in this vast universe is wearing, using, gazing at or sipping from an oddFrogg product.  How unbelievably cool is that!

Today it's all about the pirate, man.  I'm simultaneously listening to the classics on the radio, listening to Van Morrison on You Tube, and putting up designs like this:



AND These:

Good times!