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Entries in Movies, Film Directors (3)


An Oversimplification...

As to "An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty", the trailer is so wonderfully intriguing.   It's a new sort of short film stretched to a 45 minute format.  I'm putting this Terence Nance film on my must see list.


How Can I Handle Work On A Day Like Today...

No blurbiage to add to this one.  Enjoy!


What would the '80's have been without John Hughes?


So I was home alone, having a club sandwich for breakfast.  I was tired, having just gotten off the plane from my European vacation (although I looked pretty in my pink dress).  Then I heard the news.   So I listened to some Beethoven, lit  16 candles and took the day off.  

Goodbye John.  R.I.P and thank you very, very much.

What's your favorite John Hughes movie?