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On being stuck: Will it go round in circles?

This is my first attempt at building a web site and my perfectionistic ways have me spinning 'round in circles.  I can't seem to get the home page finished.  I'm stuck.   Everyone says, "Just put something up there, you can change it in time."  Of course they're right, yet I spin and while away the hours sussing out beautifully designed sites that strike just the right balance of uniqueness, functionality and beauty.  I see an amazing site in my future (next year's budget!).

In need of a 'whack on the side of the head', I pulled out my Creative Whack Pack for a bit of inspiration. Then I did a bit of yoga.  Then I took a nap.  Then I decided to step away from it.  Sometimes you have to just slowly back away from the project.  Nobody move, nobody gets hurt.  I'll enjoy the rest of my evening, sleep on it, and hope to wake up tomorrow with one or two really good ideas.  I mean, really.   It's time to get this done!

What are your methods for getting unstuck?



Saturday afternoon baseball...



I adore rainy, stormy Saturday afternoons.  I'm chilled out (I use this term way too much), and enjoying the creative process while watching Saturday afternoon baseball.  I ask you, does it get much better?  Hope you're also chilled or, maybe better yet, out  having entirely too much fun.  It's all good.  If you're inclined, here's a Saturday afternoon haiku, baseball style and just for you!

Afternoon Baseball

    Queen City Versus Chi-Town

       - Run Reed!  Run!  Slide!  ...Safe!


Y'all know that center fielder, Reed Johnson,  is one of the best old-school players in the game today.  Right?



Sunday evening sunshine...


As a great weekend winds down, I'm getting my Twitter on and truly digging the zenned out tweets of Russell Simmons, the philanthropic, spiritually mindful, mega-successful entrepreneur who helped put hip hop on the map. Yoga on the beach with Rodney Yee? Wow!

I'm inspired to try my hand at an oddFrogg haiku, chilled out style and just for you!

The Mirror Sees You

   Bask In Reflected Glory

      - Love Yourselves More.  Now!



Blogging at 5:33 a.m.

Ok...regarding Justin Timberlake's William Rast line, what I love about it is the youthful sophistication, finely tailored fit and the swagger. Really dig these looks. Quite frankly, all that's missing is an oddFrogg T-shirt or hoodie. Really!

It's a shame JT doesn't know about oddFrogg.



An ode to Albert...


 I should be completing the site's home page but, alas, another diversion presents itself.    I'm winding down with a little Sunday Night Baseball.  (Frogs love baseball, too!)  Here's to an amazing weekend finish; a baseball inspired haiku, fan-based and just for you!

Sunday Night Baseball

    Chi-Town Versus Silver Arch

      - Swing Albert.  Swing, Swing!


Albert Pujols is obviously the best player in the game today.   But y'all know this, right?



A Frog(g) haiku, just for you...


On this wonderful Saturday afternoon, an oddFrogg haiku...lyrical, lovely and just for you!

For Both Moon And Stars

    The Still Pond Is A Mirror

      - One Frog's Leap Cracks It





Sarah Palin - modern woman personified?


Ambitious and self determined--as in Sarah Palin.    Continuing to govern Alaska?   Um, not so much.  Since she's just not digging it anymore, she's decided to change course.  And, as seemingly odd as her decision may appear, you've gotta admire her ambition and self-determination.  This woman is determined to do what's best for her.  She has her own plan in mind and is following that path, to the chagrin of those who would advise and direct (handle) her otherwise.   Is she the personification of the modern woman?

If you're a fan, we've got  the perfect iconic Sarah Palin gift.   Perhaps you'll dig it!

Price:  $13.99   Buy Now!